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Find Your Job

pankajktech's github profile

Find Your Job is a Job Posting and Searching Website Made Using MERN Stack.

Tesla Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Tesla website clone with animation

CodePen Clone

BhumicaPG's github profile

CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called pens and test them.

Tic Tac Toe Game

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Classic game, reborn for the web


vk20july's github profile

Legendary Nokia Snake Game which would take you back to the good old days.


Man07har's github profile

A website design for the complaint pusposes and to showcase the products that a company has to offer

Pet Store

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

pet store is a e-commerce website for adopting pets

Login PyQt5 Awesome GUI

JoseVale99's github profile

It's a minimalist login in the Python language using the PyQt5 library.


sahilatahar's github profile

Explore GitHub Page: Showcasing user data via GitHub API integration, alongside an enhanced user interface for a richer browsing experience

Expense Tracker

Bilal1204's github profile

Track you daily transactions in 3 categories namely Savings, Expenses, Investment